Increase stack size
Horacio Sánchez
2008-09-23 11:17:50 UTC

I am starting to use eclipse cdt and compile an old application without
problems. But can not run it, because I need to increase the stack size.
In linux I do it through the operating system through

ulimit -s unlimited

but now I am working on windows with cygwin, and I dont see any similar
thing in windows xp or cygwin.

So it is possible to use some compilation option in cygwin so the
generated executable has bigger stack or another way so i solve my
problem ?

Thanks in advance
James Blackburn
2008-09-23 11:28:15 UTC
Hi Horacio,

I'm afraid I can't answer your questions as I'm not a Windows user.
However this mailing list probably isn't the right place for these
questions. If you post them to the eclipse.tools.cdt newsgroup you'll
likely have more luck.



On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 12:17 PM, Horacio Sánchez
Post by Horacio Sánchez
I am starting to use eclipse cdt and compile an old application without
problems. But can not run it, because I need to increase the stack size.
In linux I do it through the operating system through
ulimit -s unlimited
but now I am working on windows with cygwin, and I dont see any similar
thing in windows xp or cygwin.
So it is possible to use some compilation option in cygwin so the
generated executable has bigger stack or another way so i solve my
problem ?
Thanks in advance
cdt-debug-dev mailing list
2008-09-24 09:57:21 UTC

This group is for the developers of CDT, and is not set up for answering
user questions on CDT. It is espcially not set up for answering
questions about GNU tools.

If you want your quesitons answered, I suggest you find a more
appropriate newsgroup to post you questions.

Post by Horacio Sánchez
I am starting to use eclipse cdt and compile an old application without
problems. But can not run it, because I need to increase the stack size.
In linux I do it through the operating system through
ulimit -s unlimited
but now I am working on windows with cygwin, and I dont see any similar
thing in windows xp or cygwin.
So it is possible to use some compilation option in cygwin so the
generated executable has bigger stack or another way so i solve my
problem ?
Thanks in advance
cdt-debug-dev mailing list
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