Eclipse Summit Europe Debugging talk proposal
Pawel Piech
2008-08-25 21:03:36 UTC
Hi all,
It appears that my company has room in the travel budget to send me to
ESE if I can present a talk. Instead of doing a narrow-focused DSDP/DD
talk, I would prefer to present an update on Device Debugging as well as
Platform Debug and CDT Debug.

For content I could include:
- Demo of DSF-GDB 1.1 including multi-process and non-stop debugging.
- Demo of synchronized stepping and update modes.

For Platform Debug:
- Demo of Debug view-less debugging
- Demo of Multi-context debugging (multiple view instances etc)...
unless something goes wrong in its prototyping.
- Anything else?... I could even talk about JDT for completeness if
there's anything new to mention.

For CDT:
- Whatever new features are on the table for 5.1
- Talk about contributing DSF to CDT, which we should have a good idea
about by then as well.

Please let me know what you think, but the submission deadline is on

Darin Wright
2008-08-26 21:15:04 UTC
Post by Pawel Piech
- Demo of Debug view-less debugging
- Demo of Multi-context debugging (multiple view instances etc)...
unless something goes wrong in its prototyping.
- Anything else?... I could even talk about JDT for completeness if
there's anything new to mention.
This sounds good to me. It would be nice to demo the new things if you
have them in shape.

JDT debug doesn't have any big plans at this time.


